Conservation tax incentives that reward landowners who donate conservation easements
The President announced that the Administration will put forward next week an innovative policy called recovery credit trading, which will provide a new tool to help in habitat conservation. With this policy, landowners who improve habitat for birds and other species will earn recovery credits that they can sell. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service organized a pilot project using this approach to conserve warblers and vireos in Texas, and this new policy will formalize this practice for recovering species.
The President calls on Congress to pass his FY2008 Budget proposal to provide the conservation tax incentives that reward landowners who donate conservation easements. These easements are charitable contributions of valuable property rights to ensure the long-term preservation of habitat.
Fact Sheet: Improving Habitat for Our Nation's Migratory Birds.
President Bush Discusses Migratory Bird Conservation.
Saving Birds and Habitat through Cooperative Conservation.
The Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) similarly fosters wetland and
swamp-forest enhancement on private lands.
Be sure to follow the link to read original report.